Friday, May 14, 2010



Om Shri Paramatmane namah

Shri Bhagwan uvach:

Bhuyeh ev mahabaho shrurhu mey paramam vachah I

Yattey priyamarhaye vakshyami hitkamyaya II (1)

Lord Krishna says: Oh mighty armed Arjun! Again listen to my supreme words which I am describing with a wish for your welfare, as you are endeared to me.

Lord Krishna is addressing his dearest disciple Arjun, his supreme words, describing his opulence to make it easier for him to feel the presence of Lord in every thing around him and all the time. The lord wishes his dearest disciple’s welfare but he desires to enlighten not only Arjun but the entire human race.

Na me vidu surgarhah parbhavam na maharshayah I

Ahamadirih devanam maharshirrham ch sarvashah II (2)

Demigods and great sages don’t know my origin and opulence, for in every respect, I am the ultimate source of Demigods and sages.

Lord Krishna tells Arjun that even the demigods and great sages don’t know his origin as he is the ‘cause’ of their origin.
A son cannot know the origin of his father because he is born from the union of father and mother and thus does not know as to when and where his father was born. He may learn it by information given to him, but the state under which his father was born shall remain elusive to him.
This is an example of worldly father, then how demigods and great sages who are creation of Almighty Lord, can know the origin of Lord.

Lord Krishna is the origin of every being and non-being.
Even creator of this universe, ‘Brahma’ was not able to locate the origin of Lord. He even could not trace his own origin. He tried to locate it for thousand of years and ultimately he had to resort to penance for another hundred of thousand years. Then he could know his origin from the lord seated in his heart.

So for demigods affected by mode of goodness (satvic Bhava) remain alluded to their specific realms allotted to them by lord. They can not, in any way know his origin. Great sages have been trying to find out the origin of lord but they have been inscribing their experiences in ‘Upanishads.
But ultimately spectrum of lord still evaded them. They concluded that lord is every where and in every form. Every thing has come out of self and merges in self when disappearing from the scene enacted by self soul in company of mother material energy.

Yo mamajamanadim ch veti lokmaheshvaram I

Asamudhah sa marteyeshu sarvpapaih parmuchayate II (3)

He who knows Me unborn and beginning less, and as Supreme Lord of all the worlds he undiluted among men, he is freed from sins.

Supreme consciousness is all pervading and is present all the time.
Foolish and ignorant people consider Lord a ‘human form’ and only a son of Vasudeva - Devaki. The wise can see that lord is not merely a form but the Supreme Lord coming in form by way of his inscrutable power called ‘Yogmaya’.
The Lord’s own power is under his control. It is his own expression in material form.
In this world rarely one tries to know as to where from he has come and what is the purpose of this human body. All creatures are having same set of senses. If the purpose of human body is only eat, drink and be merry, then there is no use of these hectic efforts. The things which one attains in this body by putting up so much of efforts for material enjoyment and satisfying senses are made available by nature under usual course, on attaining even an animal life. So there is a purpose assigned to this embodiment- ‘to attain self realization’ and getting our real home- liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
Lord is unborn as he is the beginning, present and future of the entire universe. Thus who knows the supreme lord of entire universe and beyond it, unborn and beginning less; he becomes free from all sins.

Lord is unborn and self soul is the eternal part of Lord, so the self soul too is eternal but it has identified itself with material body, mind, intellect, senses, and forms of transitory material nature. So it has acquired a label of nature and presumes the body to be eternal. Body and connected relative subjects are transitory. With detachment from nature, the self soul stands free as it is.
So the person who knows Lord to be omniscient, unborn and beginning less, Lord of all Lords, Demi gods, sages and entire universe and beyond, becomes, free from sins.

Budhirgyanasanmoha kshama satyam damah shamah I

Sukham dukham bhavoabhavo bhayamabhayamev ch II

Ahinsa samata tushtistapo danam yashoashah I

Bhavanti bhava bhutanam mattev prathakvadhah II (4-5)

Intelligence, knowledge, freedom from doubt, forgiveness, truthfulness, control of senses, control of mind, happiness, distress, birth, death, fear, fearlessness, and also
Non- violence, balance, satisfaction, penance, charity, fame, infamy- all these qualities of living beings are created because of me

Now Lord opens a vista to see ‘him’ all around you, in yourself and other beings.
In chapter seven he has said that he is life in all

Jivanam sarvbhuteshu (7.9)

Presence of ‘life’ factor in all creatures is the sign of presence of lord in them. Without that ‘life’ the body is dead.

Body minus life is always dead. If life is there, it is because of Lord’s presence in all.
Attributes of intelligence, knowledge, freedom from doubts and delusion, forgiving, speaking truth, controlling senses and mind, happiness, distress, coming into being, death, fear, fearlessness, non- violence, equanimity, satisfaction, penance, charity, fame and infamy, all these qualities of living beings are because of ‘life’ which further means because the presence of lord.
So there is nothing which belongs to the self soul. It is due to non existing attachment that self soul has embarked upon ‘ego’ of self being an embodiment. The different qualities of beings are created by Lord himself but he is beyond those qualities. It is only the self soul who has identified itself with those qualities and caused a trouble for itself.
Good or bad actions, qualities, when all surrendered to Lord, become meditation and liberate the self soul from the cycle of birth and death. If the creatures are not alive or conscious then an embodiment and qualities have no relevance. A conscious body can act and perform functions related to above qualities, not a dead body.
Feel the presence of Lord in your self in the form of these qualities. These are not the qualities of dead wood that are your body. Even the cohabitation with your spouse, you are supposed to enjoy, is because of the presence of Lord himself in your body.

Dharamavirudho bhuteshu kamoasmi bhararshabh (7.11)

This phenomenon is meant for propagation and not for mental satisfaction which never comes in real terms.
So whatever the form of quality the embodiment has, it represents the presence of all mighty in this body. What one self has to do is, that he has to shun the ‘ego’ completely. The self soul is not the doer.
What ever is done from the mind, body and senses are all resultant from the infinite called life- consciousness-self- supreme self-god- soul-almighty.

The body has been created by his great grace and it will merge in that source.

Maharshyah sapt purve chatvaro manavastatha I

Madbhava mansa jata yesham lok emah parjah II (10.6)

Seven sages and before them four Manus come from Me, born from My mind, and all the living beings in this universe and other planets descent from them.
Lord is Supreme and the entire universe and planets have emanated from him alone. But the equilibrium of universe has been maintained in an unparallel symmetry.

The beings populating the universe have not born in a day.

Lord Krishna thought of creating it, first of all seven sages were contemplated, before that four manus were created by Lord Krishna through a divine will. .

It precipitated in all other forms,

Lord imbibing them all.

Four sages Sanak, Sananda, Sanatanah and Sanat Kumar, seven Saptrishis, four Manus also came into existence by the divine will of lord.

All the creatures are their off-springs.

Ettam vibhutim yogam ch mam yo veti tatvatah I

So avikampen yogen yunjayati naatra sanshaya II (7)

He, who knows the reality of this supreme glory and supernatural power of mine, gets established in Me through unflinching devotion; there is no doubt in it.

Lord Krishna is the ultimate source of all existence. First of all it was his desire to play with some one, but when he could not find anyone else, he thought of creation. His divine will generated four Manus, seven Maharshis whose races include the entire universe. More so, the Lord is pervading entire animate and inanimate elements which are seen, or thought of.

When one comes to know the opulence and super natural power of Lord in animate and inanimate shape, the devotee worships him with unfaltering devotion. We have to accept that it is the will of Lord Krishna which prevails. he is the ultimate controller of every thing. His inscrutable power of life principle has been shaped in eternal and material nature. Reference can be made to verse 4 and 5 of chapter seven.

Aham sarvasva parbhavo mattah sarvam parvartate I

Iti mattva bhajante mam budha bhavsamanvittah II (8)

I am the ultimate source of all creation and every thing in the world moves because of me; knowing thus, the wise, constantly worship me.

Lord Krishna is the creator of all. From the lotus emanating from the Lord, the creator of universe Brahma was born. From him this entire universe has taken shape. All gods, Demigods are born of lord Krishna. This is not a material process of creation. Lord Krishna can create lots of universe from a part of himself (verse 39 of this chapter)

Whatever happens in this universe, it is all because of inscrutable power of Lord
Knowing this the wise person constantly worships all mighty Lord Krishna, with unflinching devotion.

Lord Krishna is the basic source of all life and death.

The material nature of basic elements, when torched by the ‘life’ aspect of Lord’s eternal nature, comes to existence in any form because of identification. The devotee finds in this a piece of Lord’s play.

One has to repeatedly think of lord to understand the fact of his greatness.
In general parlance of greatness, the people think wealth and its accumulation as a great thing. But it is not so. See the history of human race form material point of view.

Very hefty kings intending to conquer world and universe are no more. The wealth left by them has changed so many hands by this time that it has lost its identity of belonging to real owner; since then so many generations have passed that the original owner has lost his relevancy to it.

But Lord has ever remained in universe as only one. His divine incarnation might have dictated different forms. The Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth, Water, Air all these elements have been flowing in a natural manner. Devotee sees the presence of Lord Krishna in Sun, Moon and every particle of dust alike.

This is fact but we fail to percept him in every particle berceuse of ego of our identification with body mind orgasm.

Matchitta madgatprarhah bodhyant parasparam I

Kathyanatashch mam nitayam tushayanti ch ramanti ch II (9)

With their mind fixed in me, and their lives surrendered to me, they enlighten each other about my grandeur. Always speaking of me, my devotees remain ever satisfied and take pleasure in me.

The lord Krishna has very kindly and lovingly, described the conditions of his devotees.

Mind fixed in the Lord, life element surrendered to him, devotees when sitting together, talk about the glories of lord. They narrate the acts and pastime of lord. Their every act is related to Lord. While discussing the ways of lord, these devotees even listen to each other only what leads to lord and not the material nature. Material nature, too, for them, is transforms into expression of lord Krishna. Their thought is always attached to the glories of lord Krishna. They don’t require any thing else. To them, the worldly transient possessions appear to be a hurdle in path of devotion. They are always brimming with their love for Lord Krishna as being their own self and self of all.

These devotees spend their entire life in the service of Lord in the form of beings.

They devote themselves to Lord through selfless service to all beings. It makes them satisfied and happy

Life factor in all beings is one. And Lord says in Geeta

Bhutanamasmi chetna (10.22)

So service of all beings is actual service of Lord Krishna,

Lord has assured all such kind of person with blessings of devotion to him by which they attain wisdom to know Him.

In next verse Lord Krishna assures his devotees:

Tesham satatyuktanam bhajtam pritipurvakam I

Dadami budhiyoga tam yen mamupyanti te II (10)

Those continuously meditating, worshipping me with love, I confer such persons with yoga of wisdom through which they reach me.

Lord Krishna has assured his devotees here with blessings of devotion to him. Those who continuously worships the Lord with deepest love and quest for him, the lord, he in turn blesses such soul with intellect to understand the real purpose of life.

Real purpose of human life is salvation, liberation.

The series of incarnations the soul is impelled to take through karmic determination have a tendency to be become endless. In innumerable roles played by an individual soul comes in contact with countless incarnated souls and had all kind of dealings of give and take. With them, he is entangled in a web consisting of reactions of debts to pay and dues to recover.

According to karmic law, he can avoid neither debts nor dues, since both are outcome of reactions inspired by desire for fruits of those actions which were natural.
Once realized, then there is no loss of realization, though it may have to attain lacs of embodiments to exhaust karmic reactions.

It keeps incarnating in order to pay its debts and recover its dues, though it has means to clear dues but it is unable to do so, because it tries this attempt through more desires. It further binds the soul. Lord has assured his worshipper to bless him with intellect to understand this problem and avoid further incarnation through devotion to Lord. Devotion enlightens a soul about its real stature and paves way to his home coming.

God realization through devotion is firm way to liberation.

Lord blesses much chosen one, with devotion. All and sundry, who try to satisfy themselves by a mare pretension of being devoted, are fraud

Lord is very kind to his devotees. He not only takes care of their material needs but he establishes wisdom of self in them, whereby they attain his servitude.

Teshamevaanukamparthamahamagyamajam tamah I

Nashiyamiatambhavastho gyandeepen bhaswatah II (11)

In order to shower my grace upon them, I seated in their hearts, dispel the darkness resulting from ignorance, by shining light of wisdom.

It has been repeatedly emphasized that the ‘consciousness’ which is illuminating the mind, senses, intellect and body is nothing but shining reflection of “Supreme Consciousness’.

It does not die with the body. But because of its attachment with actions and their expected fruits, it has identified itself with embodiment. Those who devotedly meditate Lord Krishna, though worldly illiterate, uneducated, unqualified, Lord himself bestows them with the wisdom by which they realize their self as glimpse of Lord Krishna and dispel all their doubts.

The condition of devotion with deep faith is pre- requisite for his grace as stated in the preceding and this verse.

Lord says that to bless those devoted to him, he dispels darkness by illuminating the lamp of wisdom, while sitting in their hearts.

Ignorance is born out of attachment and desires which are reproductive. A chain born out of one desire has no end.
The desire, if connected with Lord, becomes source of immense wisdom, whereas devotion to world and material nature are binding in unending cycle of birth and death. Desire is two folded, one looks for materialism and other looks for devotion to Lord.

One is liberating and other is binding.

Devotee has to do nothing. It has to divert his mind to Lord instead of materialism and world:

Tadarpitachara, sankamkrodhabhimandambhadikam tasminevkarhiya
(Sutra 65 Narad Bhakti Shastra)

Difference is what?

One causes bondage; an endless cycle of transmigration and other sends you to your home.

Ensure your home coming.

Choice lies with the self soul as to whether it wishes to liberate or unwittingly invites further bondage of transmigration.

Human frame is the best opportunity for the self soul to liberate by devoting to the Lord.

Even demigods desire it. They are bound in divine body and they cannot realize as they have no intellect factor and ego of celestial power.

It is the human body which is best instrument for Self Realization.

There is no specification for choosing the path.

One may follow one’s spiritual teacher’s direction.

Teacher (guru) is none other than Lord himself who comes to change the course of the life of his follower in grab of master or teacher.
One has to devote himself to teacher as well as lord with utmost faith and devotion.

Devotion to Lord Krishna is to be absolute surrender.

Goswami Tulsidass terms the devotion unto Lord as greedy’s infatuation to wealth or lust for a woman:

Kammih nari piari jimi lobhiahii priyih jimi dam I
Timi raghunath nirantra pirya lago mohi Ram II

Tulsi Dass in the LAST VERSE OF Ramcharitmanas has emphasized that as woman is dearest to lustful lover and money to a miser, Ram! You graciously develop that much love for you, in the deepest core of my heart.

With this much of love for lord, one is assured by lord with blessings of self knowledge.
Though one may worldly illiterate, but this self soul is sure to know the mystery of world and reach the Lord.

Arjun uvach:

Param barham param dham pavitram parmam bhavan I

Purusham shashvatam divayamadidevamajam vibhum II

Ahustuamrishyah sarve devarshirnaradastatha I

Asito devalo vyasah savanyam chev barvishi me II (12-13)

Arjun said: You are Supreme Self, Supreme abode for all, Supreme purifier, Transcendent Eternal Purushah, Divine, Primal Deity, Unborn and All pervading, all seers speak of you so and like wise speak celestial sage Narad, Asito, Deval and great sage Vyasa, and moreover you too proclaim this to me.

Even in the mind of those purporting to be devoted to lord Krishna, the doubt arises as to the form of Lord.

Arjun in forth chapter had asked as to how it can be presumed that it was he who thought science of yoga to Vivaswan (Sun-god) as he was born earlier and lord Krishna has born now. If a devotee like Arjun, standing in the front of Lord, can doubt, then how others can be an exception.

But all doubts are dispelled due to mercy of lord.

In the preceding verse Lord Krishna has assured that while seated in the heart of devotees, he dispels all his doubts about himself by knowledge of his supreme self by illuminating self soul to show special mercy to them.

Blessing teacher enlightens his disciple. Out of kindness he reveals the truth.

The Lord suo moto mercifully reveals Supreme Self imbedding all animate, inanimate and what is beyond that.

Lord, in forth coming verses, tells Arjun that he is the cause of causes.

By knowing this the devotee meditate him,

Having known the secret of Lord’s Supremacy Arjun wants to know as to how Lord is manifesting the entire universe. He has now come to know that Lord Krishna is the supreme god-head.

Every thing rests in supreme god head and had there been many god-heads, there might have been celestial wars and it was not possible for the universe to exist in the same form.

So one Godhead Lord Krishna is transcendental, Original Person, Unborn, Greatest of all, Supreme sustenance, Pure and Supreme personality.
One should not understand the Lord as a peculiar form. Lord has incarnated himself in numerous forms. This form of lord has been incarnated to eliminate demons and to make the devotee’s attachment to lord easier and direct.
Lord is not limited to a particular form. He reaches his devotees in the form they wish to meditate and wish to attain. If for ‘Gopis’ he comes in grab of beloved one, he blesses demons with universal perception.

Sarvametatritam manye

yanmam vadsi keshav I

Nahi te bhagwan vayaktuim

vidurdeva na danvah II


vetath tuavam purushottam I

Bhutbhavan bhutesh

devdev jagatpate II (14-15)

O! Lord whatever you tell me, I take it granted as truth, neither demigods nor Demons can know you.

Oh Origin of all beings! Lord of beings! God of Gods! Lord of Universe! You know yourself, only out of your potency.

Arjun has described omnipresent Lord.
He is the origin of all demigods, demons and all other beings. Arjun accepts the statement of Lord Krishna. Neither demigods nor can demons understand the glories of Lord Krishna.
Lord knows his glories through his inscrutable power.
All so called powerful become powerless before the Lord.

Lord Krishna can not be known by any physical or chemical invention which reveal only material nature, that too in limited form. These discoveries are made about the things which already exist. Though Lord exists but his presence can be felt by devotion to him. If he is pleased by devotion, he can be seen with this very sight but if he is not pleased even most wise man’s efforts go astray.

sankirtmane sheegharam eva avirbhavti anubhavyaati ch bhaktan
(Sutra 80, Narad Bhakti Shastra)

Devotion by complete surrender is best way to attain lord.
Lord shows his presence to his devotees. actually the self soul, (ishwarah, verse 15.8 ) out of stupidity, making misuse of little freedom given to him as eternal fragment of lord, tries to equate himself with lord by identifying with material nature. When it recognizes its real self, as an eternal servitor of Lord, it surrenders; it obtains kindness of lord to go to his home.

Vaktumarahasiashesherh divya hyaatamvibhutya I

Yabhirvibhutibhirlokanaimanstavuam vyapy tishathasi II

Kathamvidyamaham yoginstuvam sada parichintayan I

Keshu keshu ch bhaveshu chintyoasi bhagvanmaya II

Vistrerhatmano yogam vibhuti ch janardan I

bhuye kathay tripatirhi sherhvato nasti meamritam II (16-18)

Oh Keshav! Whatever you say, I believe it to be true. Oh Lord! neither Gods nor Demons know your glorious manifestation.

Oh Supreme Being! Oh Origin of all life forms! Lord Of
Beings! God Of Gods! Oh Lord of Universe! You yourself know your glories through your eternal energy.

You yourself can enumerate your complete divine manifestations whereby you pervade these worlds.

Oh Krishana, the Supreme Mystic! On which forms, by constantly fixing my mind on you, by devotion, how may I know you.

Oh Janardan! please describe the detail of your opulences and eternal power, as I am always desire to know the detail of your opulence and mystics, I am never satiated to hear the nectar of your glories.

Arjun wants to know more about the all pervading lord. none else can explain the eternal opulence of lord. Even the demigods and demons go on searching for the lord but they can never find his whereabouts.

The mystic power of lord can be adjudged by simple example of divine nature of being self of all beings. Every one has to know that the lord is seated in every being. But even then one is not able to perceive it. This mystic power can be felt. Even a devotee like Arjun standing, talking to lord himself, is not at doubt about the eternity of lord but he wants to listen more about Lord from the lord himself.

This is eternal song coming out of mouth of divinity.

This is an opportunity which only Arjun got. there were so many devotees of lord on that battle field of kurukshetra but the eternal message has been given to mankind only through Arjun.

Shri Bhagwan uvach

Hant te kathishayami divya hi atamvibhatyah I

Pardhanyatah kurushreshtha naastianto vistarasya meII(19)

I shall state only my divine prominent opulence, as there is no end to my expansion.

Lord Krishna says that he shall now explain his prominent divine manifestation; otherwise there is no end to expansion of his opulence.
Lord Krishna is all pervading self. He is not an incarnation but he is source of all incarnations and universe himself. he is in the form of spiritual and material nature (chapter 7, verse 4 & 5). Now he reiterates his divinity.
One can feel his presence even with these eyes. Same Lord is manifest and he is unmanifested.
Liberated one sees the Lord present in all beings. His opulence are countless. When one can hardly count the exact number of human head in this world, then how it is possible to count the evolutes of almighty seated in the heart of every being non being and beyond that too. With limited intellect a human being cannot know the opulence of Lord Krishna. He is the creator of all this universe.

Ahamatma gudakesh sarvbutashyesatyhitah I

Ahamadishch madhye ch bhutanamant eiv ch II (20)

I am the self of all seated in their heart, I am their beginning, end and middle too.

Lord is stating his various representations. for the purpose of meditation, one can awaken himself to feel and self in all and every where.
Lord says that I am the beginning of creatures, I am their self, seated in their hearts, I am their middle and end too.

Adityanamahm vishnurjyotisham raviranshuman I

Marichimarutamasmi nakshtrarhamahamshashi II (21)

I am Vishnu amongst the sons of Aditi, I am sun among the radiant, of the airs I am Marichi and of the stars I am Moon.

The incarnation of eternal unborn all mighty took birth as ‘Vaman’ from the womb of god mother Aditi to obtain heavenly empire from ‘Bali’.
He was superior to other demigods.
He is radiant sun among all illuminating sources, Marichi among the air gods and among stars he is the moon. These are the depiction of glory of Lord Krishna.

Vedanam samvedoasmi devanamasmi vasvah I

Indriyarham manashchasmi bhutanamasmi chetana II (22)

I am Samveda of all Vedas, Indra amongst Demigods. I am mind among the senses and living force (consciousness) in all beings.

Among Vedas i am Sam Veda, Indra among demigods, mind among senses and consciousness among beings.
Great revelations made by Lord Krishna that he is the consciousness among all beings.
It is in human form one can make out that it is this consciousness which a spark is illuminating the entire set up of body, mind, intellect, senses. This consciousness is the unusual and eternal power of Lord which has created this universe with its identification with material nature.

Consciousness = eternal fragment of lord
Material nature = transitory nature
(Element of earth, water, air, ether, fire, mind, intellect and ego)
False identification and attachment of consciousness with material nature = transmigration from one to another birth till self realization
Lord seated in all beings is the inner spirit of all living entities. One can enlighten oneself by referring to verse 13.17, 15.15, and 18.61 of Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta.
Verse 20 of this chapter is Lord’s own assertion that he is the spirit of all beings:

Ahamatma gudakesh sarvbutashyesatyhitah I

Ahamadishch madhye ch bhutanamant eiv ch II (20)

I am the self of all seated in their heart, I am their beginning, end and middle too.

Here Lord has referred itself as consciousness in all beings. For sure one can presume the consciousness in every one as perception of Lord himself.
But the impact of material nature all around is so great that even most illustrated one fails to comprehend this simple and plausible equation, given in this eternal message.

Rudrarham shankarshachasmi vitesho yakshyrakshsam I

Vasunam pavakshchasmi meruh shikhrirhamaham II

Purodhasam ch mukhayam mam vidhi parth barahaspatimI

Senaninamaham sakandah sarasamasmi sagarah II

Maharshirham bhriguraham giramasmiekamaksharam I

Yagyanam japyagyoasmi sathavararham himalaya II

Ashvatathah sarvvriksharham devarshirham ch naradah I

Gandharvarham chitrrathah sidhanam kapilo muni II

Ucheihshravsamashvanam vidhi mam amritoudbhavam I

Eravatam gajendrarham narnarham ch naraadhipam II

Ayudhanamahamj vajram dhenunamasmi kamdhuk I

Prajanchshasmi kandarapah sarparhamasmi vasuki II(23-28)

And of Rudras, I am Shankara, Kuber among wealthy most, Fire among Vasunam and among peaks I am Meru.

Know me Brahaspati among priests; I am Kartikay among military commanders and ocean among water bodies.

Among sages I am Bhrigu Rishi, among vibrating sound I am Om, among sacrifices I am chanting of Holy Syllabi, and among immovable I am Himalaya.

Of all trees I am Ashvatha (Peepal) tree, among divine sages, I am Narad, among Gandharvas, I am Chitrath and among men of perfection, I am Kapil Muni.

Of the horses know me Uchehsharva born with nectar from churning of ocean, among Lords of elephants know me Eravat and know me the king among humans.

Of weapons know me thunderbolt and among cows know me the wish fulfilling Kamdhenu, among the child begetter, I am God of Love, and among serpents I am Vasuki.

All these depict the presence of the lord in forms. He is the formless and in form too. There is nothing without him.
He is the greatest player. He has bestowed us with wonderful power of imagination. With this power we can create a specific form of Lord in our mind and devote ourselves to him in that particular form. One can even bless in this way. The reason is very clear; he is our innermost self illuminating soul. Not this, he is the self of all beings. It is you who has to percept him. he has given you the power of imagination.
In verse 15 of chapter 15 lord stresses
Sarvasya chaham hridi sanivishtho
matah smiritigyanapoham ch I(15.15)
I am seated in the inner most of all beings. Memory, knowledge and forgetfulness are because of me.
Since lord is believed to be omnipresent but it is said that if we wish we can perceive him, we can see him in any object, rather in every object. Here Lord has briefly stated his opulence. Even Lord can be perceived in animate and inanimate objects.
The strongest force behind this conviction is one’s own sense of belief, sense of satisfaction that what one has believed is ultimate truth. Every one says that I remember this incident or that incident. This memory is caused by the presence of almighty in you but because of your identification with this body, you are making all false pretensions of not knowing omnipresent Lord Krishna. To conceal your identification, you go to meditate in temples, mosque and church to find an escape route for this artificial garb.
Identification with body mind set has set a chain of material eventualities.

You are your own self.
Your identification with mind, you have not experienced this divine presence in you.
These are the physical manifestation of the Supreme being, representing him in all his qualities and deserving genuinely the same reverence, adoration and worship as Lord Krishna himself.

Anantshchaasmi naganam varurho yadsamaham I
Pitrirhamaryama chasmi yamah samyatamaham II

Parhaladshchasmi daityanam kalah kalyatamaham I
Mrigarham ch mrigrindroaham vainteshch paksirham II

Pavanh pavtamasmi ramah hastrbhritamaham I
Jhasharham makarashchasmi srotasamasmi javahanvi II (29-31)

Among many hooded nags know me Ananta, Water God among aquatics, of ancestors I am Aryama and among those who punish and reward I am Yamaha.

Of demons I am Parhalad, of calculators I am Time, of the animals, I am Lion and of the birds, I am Vaintey (Garuda)

Of the purifier I am the wind, I am Rama among the warriors,
Of fishes I am Shark and among water sources, I am Ganges.
Lord herein has stated some of his abundant opulence to make the devotee completely surrendered to him.
In actual lord formless can be visible in every object and in form of every object, if one is blessed by revered master who himself has realized lord and in position of revealing it to others. Verses 29, 30, and 31 in chapter 6, the Lord has revealed the reality of Supreme and all pervading Self:

Sarvbhutasthatamanm sarvbhutani chatmani I

Ekshate yogyuktatm sarvatra samdarshanh II

Yo mam pashayati sarvatra sarvam ch mayyi pashayati I

Tasyaham na parhashyami sa ch me na parhshayati II

Sarvbhutsithitam yo mam bhajtiekatvamasithitah I

sarvatha vartamano sa yogi mayi vartate II

The Yogi who is united with all pervading infinite Consciousness, sees same self every where, all beings in Self and Self in all beings.

He who sees Me in all beings and beings existing in Me, never loses my sight and I never lose his sight.

Yogi who is established in union with Me and worships Me as residing in all beings abides in Me, no matter what he does.

Lord is represented in form of every thing which is influential and energetic.
The Lord is form of objects and is objects himself.

This eye of wisdom cannot be attained, it can be bestowed by the wise and realized man.
By the blessings of realized person, one sees that while seeing, hearing, breathing, smelling, eating, or drinking , walking, sleeping, breathing, speaking, answering call of nature, gasping, opening and closing the eyes, he does nothing, holding that senses are moving in their objects. This is glimpse of self realization.

Nothing new has come.

It already existed but the self soul which had caused a cobweb of material attachment around it, himself has cleared that by realizing that the identification with material nature is nothing but a self created unbreakable hurdle in the path of self realization.

Who has conquered his mind and mastered his senses, with pure heart and who has identified himself with self an eternal servitor to Lord of all beings, remains unaffected, even though performing action by dint of his previous identification with material nature in countless births.

sargarhamadiantashch madhyam chevaahamarjun I

Adhiyatamvidya vidyanam vadah parvadtamaham II(32)

I am the beginning, middle and end of all creations. Of the sciences I am the science of self realization and ultimate truth for all logics.

In verse 19 the lord has stated that he is self soul of all sentient beings seated in their hearts. The Lord is the beginning, middle and end of all beings

Ahamatma gudakesh sarvbutashyesatyhitah I

Ahamadishch madhye ch bhutanamant eiv ch II (20)

I am the self of all seated in their heart, I am their beginning, end and middle too.

In this verse Lord states that he is the beginning, middle and end of all creations.
This is symbol of all round self expansion of Lord. He is the in form of living entity as his eternal fragment. Lord is form of all creation whether insentient or sentient. In the verse 4 and 5 of chapter seven Lord Krishna has described his material energy and eternal energy as thus:

bhumiapoanlo vayu kham manoh bhudhirev ch I
ahankaram etiayam me bhinnah parkriti ashatdha II ( 7.4 )

Earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect, and ego are eight folded different type of my nature.

aparmayam itastuanyam parkritim vidhi me pram I
jeevbhutam mahabaho yayedsm dharyate jagat II ( 7.5)

Oh Mighty Armed! Another superior nature of mine is the individual soul nature whereby I create and hold this universe

etatad yonini bhutani sarvarhinitiupdharay I
aham krisanam jagatah parbhavah parlayastatha II (7.6)

Presume all the beings held in the union of these two types of nature and I with these two forms of nature, create and destroy this universe.

What a wonderful phenomena, but one in human form and blessed with intellect, still failing to realize self.
Embodiment after embodiment by transmigration is resultant. Life does not cease with end of body.

Mattah partram naanyat kinchitasti dhananjay I
Mayi sarvamidam protam sutremarhigarhaev II ( 7.7)

Dhananjaya! There is nothing other than me, I am sewn in all this like beads in thread.

This universe is virtual depiction of Lord Krishna himself. But ego of embodiment has eclipsed the wisdom. The self soul identifying with material energy has created this universe. A wise seeker can perceive that the self soul has spread itself in form of this universe. The beginning, middle and end of single unit is Lord and in this verse it is clear that Lord is the beginning, middle and end of the universal creations.

Akshararhamakaroasmi duvandah samasikasya ch I

Ahamevaakshay kalo dhataaham vishvatomukhah II(33)

I am ‘a’ among the alphabets and duality among compound words, I the eternal time, I am sustainer and universal form.

Lord Krishna says that among the alphabets, he is ‘akar’ which means first word without which word formation is not possible. It sounds in every syllable, word, and sentence and without which no pronunciation is possible. it remains secretive. In English alphabet ‘a’ is the beginning and it forms part of every word either apparent or by mouth pronunciation. This is the virtual expression of Lord himself. Among compound dual meaning words is representation of Lord.
Ramakrishna represents Rama and Krishna.

Time is the tireless energy of Lord.

It can not be stopped.

The time is the essence of life.

When the reactions of past deeds are over, the life of an embodiment ends. it is the time factor which brings changes in the embodiment without even being percept consciously. Body comes into existence, grows, creates other bodies, decays and vanishes all due to eternal time energy of Lord Krishna.
Lord is the sustainer of universe. Also that he is the universe perceptible like a dream. Universe is the eternal dream of Lord.

It has no beginning, no permanency nor end but it is continuous process of Lord’ dreaming.

Mirityuh sarvharashchahamudbhavashch bhavishtatam I

kirtih shrirvakch narirham smiritimedha dhritih kshamaII (34)

I am all devouring death, I am cause of beginning of every thing, among feminine I am fame, fortune, speech, memory, intelligence, steadfastness, patience.

The Lord Krishna gives message to all beings. Embodiment, is transient, ego of being body is false pretension. Human beings are intelligent to understand as to the Lord’s omnipotence.

Lord is the death and destroyer of all.

From the moment of conception of body in a womb, all devouring death starts working. Span of particular body is limited, with the advancement of age; every being nears its death without knowing as to how it is coming, where this will occur and when it may come. This is mystery enveloping every living being. But it is certain. This certainty is expression of Lord’s immense power to control the entire universe.
He is the beginning of all objects but the foolish one claim that he is the doer and owner.

You are only trusty.

It belongs to Lord Krishna.

beejam mam sarvabhutanam vidhi parth sanatanam I (7.10)

I am the eternal seed of all beings.

There are innumerous planets. The Lord Krishna is the eternal seed of all beings that are born in this universe and all other galaxies. The tree causes seeds for germination of other plants but with that exercise it ends after a span but the lord is eternal seed of all beings. It is endless. Again it is going to come in verse 39 that Lord Krishna is the cause of all beings.
The opulence of fame, fortune, speech, memory intelligence, steadfastness, forbearance are feminine representation of Lord Krishna. but unfortunately the embodied self soul, out of false ego and pride, forgetting all divine message, involves itself with material nature and evolves a vicious circle of transmigration from one body to another. After knowing the eternal poweress of Lord, one dissipates false ego and realizes ‘own self’

Vrihatsam tatha samnaam gaytri chhandsamaham I

Masanam margshirshoahamritunam kusmakarah II

I am Brihitsam among Vedic hymns Samveda, of meter I am Gaytri, I am Margshirsh among months and among six seasons I am flower bearing Spring.

There are songs sung by demigods in praise of almighty Braham, among these Vedic hymns Brihitsam represents the mighty Lord, among the poetry Gaytri represents Krishna, in months the best period is from mid November to mid December. Of six seasons the flowering blooming season spring is the depiction of Lord. Most beautiful flowers bloom in this season showing presence of Lord Krishna.

Duyutam chhalytamasmi tejastejasvinamaham I

Jayoasmi vayavsayoasmi satvam satvavatamaham II (36)

Of cheats I am gambling, I am splendor of splendid things,, I am Victory, I am adventure, I am strength of strong.

There several ways of cheating but cheating by gambling involves one’ cunningness and acumen which is rare and is found in professional. This art is depiction of Lord’ all pervading nescience. Whatever things one sees splendid, it is sign of super power of Lord Krishna in form of splendor. The Lord is essence of victory, adventure and strength of all strong.

This has been asserted in chapter seven too:

balam balvatam chaham (7.11)

I am the strength of strong

This is only to emphasize the fact that whatever is the splendor in form of superlative it represents lord himself.

Vrishninirham vasudevoasmi pandavanam dhananjaya I

Muninamaham vyasah kavinamushna kavih II (37)

I am Krishana among Vrishirham and Arjun among pandavas. Among sages I am Vyas and among poets I am Ushna (Shukraacharya).

Lord is cause of universal expansion. he is himself represents his clan amd the best among pandavas is Arjun also called Dhananjaya.
Vyasa is the incarnation of Lord Krishna.
As he has told in chapter 15:

Vedeshch sarverahamev vedyo Vedantkritvedvidev chaham II

I have to be known from Vedas, I am complier of Vedas and I am the knower of Vedas.

The Lord is the complier of holy scriptures, he is to be ultimately known from Vedas, he is the real interpreter of Vedas. this is the secret that lord himself incarnated him self as intelligent Vyasa to comply these holy scriptures for the benefit of embodied self souls materially as well spiritually.
Among intelligent poets the lord is represented by Ushna (Shukraacharya) the guru of demons. he is the most intelligent and succeeded in guiding the demons against demigods.
From entire reference in shrimad Bhagwad Geeta it transpires more clearly that this whole universe is imbibed by Lord Krishna in one way or the other.

This universe is his dream play.

One can feel his presence in every object and circumstances.

Dando damyatamasmi nitirasmi jigishitam I
Monam chevasmi guhiyanam gyanam gyanvatamaham II (38)

Among means of suppressing lawlessness, I am
Punishment, among those who wish victory I am the morality, I am silence among secret things and wisdom I am in wise persons.

What a fantastic revelation to dismantle the false ego of embodied self soul. One is really reduced to a dead stock when one learns that whatever one is proud is nothing but expression of Lord Krishna in one form or the other. He is the punishment prescribed for the criminals to maintain law and order.
He is the greatest strategist among the persons wishing victory. He is the morality among the basis of strategies.
Among the secretive principles he is represented by silence. Those who are trained in espionage are trained to keep silence in every circumstance to keep secrets abreast. Without breaking silence great secret can be kept under carpet. This power of keeping silence is expression of Lord.

In meditation the silence is most important.

Lord says that among wise men, I am their wisdom. Here one is not to take worldly knowledge as wisdom. This is rather a cause of one’s imprisonment in the cycle of bondage. Knowledge is the power to differentiate between matter and spirit, difference between material and spiritual nature, knowledge is self realization, way to find out the truth, the real knowledge comes from Lord. He is the source of knowledge and knowledge himself.

In this very chapter Lord has explained in verse 11

Teshamevaanukamparthamahamagyamajam tamah I

Nashiyamiatambhavastho gyandeepen bhaswatah II (11)

In order to shower my grace upon them I, seated in their hearts, dispel the darkness resulting from ignorance, by shining light of wisdom.

This means Lord sitting in our hearts, is waiting for the self soul to start loving him and uninterrupted reciprocal love shall be showered by creating knowledge of Supreme Self for the individual self.

It has been repeatedly emphasized that the consciousness which is illuminating the mind, senses, intellect and body is nothing but shining reflection of supreme self. It does not die with the body. But because of its attachment with actions and their expected fruits, it identifies itself with the embodiment. Those who devotedly meditate on Lord, though worldly illiterate & unqualified, Lord himself bestows them with the knowledge of himself, dispel all their doubts.
The condition of devotion and faith is pre- requisite for his grace as stated in the preceding and this verse.
Lord says that to bless those devoted to him, he dispels darkness by illuminating the lamp of knowledge while sitting in their hearts.
Lord is the wisdom of wise and he is their knowledge.

Yachachapi sarbhutanam beejam tadahamarjun I

Na tadasti bina yatsyanmaya bhutam characharam II (39)

Oh Arjun! Furthermore, those whether inmate or inanimate beings in the entire universe cannot exist without me as I am the seed of all this creation.

Lord Krishna stresses the revelation of eternal truth that this entire creation of universe and beyond it whatever may exist; the Lord is the eternal source of entire existence. There is none from inanimate or animate existence which may be without the touch of Lord’s poweress. In chapter 13 verse 26 lord Krishna makes a comprehensive distinction of how this universe is union of field and knower of the field. This whole creation of universe is union of nature and supreme self:

Yawat sanjayate kinchit satvam sathvar jangmam I

Khetrkhetragysayongadtadvadhi bharatshabh II ( 13.26)

Arjun, whatsoever being, animate or inanimate is born; it is born out of the union of the khetra and khetragya.

Whatever things or beings we see, percieve, or invent in this universe are born out of the union of eternal self and material self. Eternal self is the fragment of Lord Krishna. There is nothing animate or inanimate in this universe which is without self.
This field is referred to as material nature which has been related to be the eternal mother of all beings and Lord himself to be impregnate. Lord in verse 3 and 4 of chapter 14, this phenomena is further made clear:

Mam yonir mahad braham tasmingarbhamdadhami aham I
Sambhavah sarvbhutanam tattobhavati bharat II

sarvyonishu kontey murtya sambhawanti ya I
tasambaraham mahadyoniraham beejpradpitah II (14.3-4)

Arjun! Great Baraham nature is the womb of all creatures; in that womb I place the seed of all life. The creation of all beings follows from this union.

For all the embodied beings among all the species ‘Nature’ is the conceiving mother, while I am the Father placing seed.

Lord Krishna, infinite super soul, has detailed that all the micro cosmic and macro cosmic universe is the expansion of material and eternal nature

Lord Krishna is making a revelation of the existing facts which can be understood only by his grace and not by material intellect.

The nature and Pursha are beginning less. All actions and reactions are the outcome of the three modification of the nature that are satva (balance or goodness), rajas (activity or passion) and tama (inertia or darkness or ignorance)

Entire creation and universe is the after effect of union of Pursha and Parkriti.

All species of the universe owe their birth to the nature as mother providing womb and self himself putting seed in that womb, resulting in the creation of all being. it is easy to grasp once one realizes the reality.
It is wonderful to imagine that one Pursha has transformed his nature wife manifold and it too has divided himself into enumerable forms and coming into existence into this wonderful universe.
Lord is the eternal seed of being. a material seed sprouts to become a plant, tree creating more seeds to give birth to other plants and trees but the eternal seed that lord is, never exhausts. This world is the true light of divine. One has to clearly remove one’s doubts about the “atman” by reasons that lead to realization of Braham the all pervading self consciousness.

Naantoasti mam divyanam vibhutinam parantap I

Esh tuudeshatah prokto vibhutrevistro mayya II (40)

O mighty Conqueror of enemies! There is no end of my eternal manifestation. I have related a part of it.

Lord says that he has made only an indication of abundance of his opulence. There is no end of the eternal expansion of the lord. Micro and macro expansion is beyond the comprehension of demigods what to talk about human beings. It is sufficient for human form to understand that the Lord is present every where and in every one. One has to show respect to every one without any difference of caste, creed and religion.

Yadyadvibhutimadsatvam shrimadurjitamev va I

tadtadevavgachh tuvam mamtejoanshsambhavam II (41)

Whatever is powerful, glorious and beautiful in this existence, you take it to be spark of my splendor.

It is the expression of lord’s power and splendor that this universe is full of different splendors.
Self soul has a tendency to be attracted towards beautiful, powerful and strong things.
Weak always sides with strong.
Poor look towards rich for help. Material splendors, beauty and power is transient but the spiritual strength, beauty and splendor are endless. As a servitor to Lord the self soul is eternal but this ignorant self soul has forgotten all his eternity by identifying with material body.
This is the reason that while leaving one embodiment this embodied self soul cries for his relatives and property he has accumulated through unfair means but alas no relative or any one else can help this stupid self soul to remain in the body even for a second.
It has to depart at an appointed time, place and in a particular manner.
The self soul gets every superlative beauty, power, strength, opulence from the lord of all insentient and sentient objects and beings but it considers that power or opulence as his own, he acts like thief, dishonest to both eternal mother and father. If he is attracted to Lord instead of material nature, it may become liberating. Lord makes human to seek self realization through material body by identifying itself with Lord. So what ever thing one can see with opulent quality, it is depiction of Lord’s splendor. The Lord has given a message to all self souls to get attracted to him and go home. No self soul can acquire magic wand unless blessed by lord. That too comes by the mercy of almighty.

Athva bahunaetein

kim gyaten tuaarjun I


kritsanekaanshen sithito jagat II (42)

What else is required to be known by you? I hold this universe only in one part of myself!

Lord sitting before Arjun telling him his opulence, sums up the dialogue by telling that there is no reason to deliberate more as he sustains the entire universe in a small portion of himself.
Lord is splendor of the splendid, and the greatness of the great, He is victory of victorious, goodness of the good, for whosoever is wondrous work, the majesty and might; it has all proceeded from him only.
(Thus ends chapter 10 containing divine opulence of Lord Krishna)

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