Om Shri Parmatamne namah
Ath shodsho adhayaye
Shri Bhagwan uvach
Abhayam sattavsanshidhirgyanyogvayavasthiti I
Danam damashch yagyashch svadhayayastap arjavam II
Ahimsa satyamakrodhahstyagah shantirapeshnum I
Daya bhuteshavavalolutavam mardavam hareerchaplam II
Tejah kshama dhritih shouchamadroho natimanita I
Bhavanti sampadam daivimabhijatasya bharat II (1-3)
Fearlessness, purity of mind, constant fixity in the yoga of meditation for self realization, satvic charity, control of senses, performance of sacrifice, study of Vedas and chanting of God’s name and praises, suffering hardship in discharge of one’s sacred obligation and straightness of mind as well as body and senses.
Non-violence, truthfulness, absence of anger, renunciation, tranquility, aversion to criticizing others, compassion, freedom from greed, gentleness, modesty, determination, courage, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, being freed from hatred, are the qualities with which, O! Descendant of Bharat, the persons of divine nature are endowed with.
Lord, in this Chapter, vividly describes the nature and qualities of the persons with divine nature an those with demonic nature,
Three types of persons are found in this world, those with demonic nature, and those of divine nature and still others of mixed nature.
99.5 % of human beings are endowed with mixed nature.
Very rare are those who have complete divine nature
But there are certain human beings who have comparatively more of divine qualities. There are certain people who are imbibed with more of demonic nature. Even they too have divine bent of mind towards certain things.
Qualities described above are those qualities which a person seeking realization develops fearlessness, purity of mind, constant fixity in the yoga of meditation for self realization, charity without any desire for return, control of senses and performance of penance, study of holy scriptures, chanting of god’s name and his praises, suffering hardship in discharge of one’s sacred obligation and straightness of mind.
Non-violence, truthfulness, absence of anger, renunciation, tranquility, aversion to criticizing others, compassion, freedom from greed, gentleness, modesty, determination, courage, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, being freed from hatred are natural qualities of the persons having and developing divine nature.
These persons are always eager to seek self realization. they perturb to see that human beings suffering from miseries because of attachment with material nature.
They try to convince them that they too can go to godhead by devoting themselves to him.
Dambho darpoabhimanashch krodhah parushyam ch I
Agyanam chabhijatasya parth sampadamasurim II (4)
Pride, arrogance, conceit, anger, harsh speech and ignorance are the qualities of those with demonic natures.
Pride of embodiment, arrogance of health, wealth & material acquisition, high office, excessive pride in one self, anger, talking harshly and ignorance of reality of life are the qualities of person of demonic nature
Nature word is appended to both, divine as well as demonic.
Self soul is fragment of supreme soul. Supreme soul has been given a freedom to self soul to remain attached with Lord’s material nature or come back to His fold.
The self soul that is ‘jeeva’ once attached with the material nature through its three modes, started identifying itself with intellect, mind, senses and body and invited never ending bondage.
Ego, pride arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness ignorance are the causes by which a being comes in permanent contact of material nature. By this, the eternal self fastens itself with material nature. It becomes so conditioned that it identifies itself with accumulation in the form of body, mind, intellect, senses. It never tries to untie this knot, because of delusion caused by ignorance.
Demoniac manifested self soul takes all these qualities from the previous karmic attachment. While in the womb of their mother they develop these qualities.
With growth of body they degree of these qualities intensify.
King Van in his childhood started killing small children by throwing them in river. When grown up he acted cruelly. after ascending thrown he caused so much misery to his subject that ultimately he was killed by the sages by inflicting a curse.
Daivim sampadvimokshay nibandhayasurimata I
Ma shuchah sampadam daivimabhijatoasi pandav II (5)
Devine nature liberates the self soul but on the other hand demoniac nature binds the self soul.
But Arjun you are not required to grieve as you are born of divine nature.
Demoniac nature causes bondage of ‘self soul’ whereas devine nature leads it to liberation.
A person performing his regulative duty, assigned to him by his nature, is situated transcendentally. Lord assures Arjun that he should not worry as he is situated in transcendental qualities conducive to liberation.
Dvuo bhutsargo lokeasmindeiv assur ev ch I
Devo vistarshah prokt assur parth mey shrirhu II (6)
There are two types of creation of beings in this universe, the divine and demonic. I have already explained qualities of divine nature, O Parth! Now listen from me the qualities of demonic nature.
Lord Krishna states to Arjun that he has already explained the qualities of beings possessing divine nature; he now explains the qualities of beings having demonic nature.
Shri Krishna has explained the 26 qualities of divine natured persons. Beings include Demigods, demons, human beings and all other beings. Even a beast can be found of being divine nature and human can act in a demonic way. The qualities vary from being to being due to extent of attachment with a particular mode of material nature.
Parvritim ch nivritim ch janah na vidur assurah I
Na shoucham naapi chacharo na satyam teshu vidyate II (7)
Beings of demonic nature don’t know as to what to do and what not to do, they also lack cleanliness nor good behavior nor truth
This eternal message of Lord Shri Krishna is meant for human beings. The nature of other beings has been pointed out for comprehension. The other beings are born to undergo the fruit of their attachment with the material nature. While dominated by mode of purity self soul gets the embodiment of demigod. Lower entities are born due to ignorance. Only human beings are in the middle. They have golden chance to go to home, get the body of demigods or go to lower worlds.
The choice is with the human beings. Adopting divine qualities lead to liberation and demonic qualities lead to lower births, mixing both of them ensures birth in human planet.
There is divine option. Complete deviation from three modes of qualities leads one to Godhead, back to home, in the service of Lord Krishna.
Those having demonic nature don’t know how to act according to regulations lay down by scriptures nor do they want to know.
They act as per their whims.
Asatyamapratishthitam te jagadahuranishvaram I
Aparasparsanbhutam kimanyadkamhetukam II (8)
They call this world an illusion and without any foundation. There is no God to control it. This world is without a cause. It is produced by sex desire and its MATERIALISTIC fulfillment.
These demonic natured persons call this world a result of material transfusion called big bang. Sexual inter actions of beings being root cause for its expansion. Desire and fulfillment of lust causes the illusory world. It is without a is without god. This world has come into existence because of materialistic union caused by desire and sense gratification.
Their simple theory is that existence has come into being because of desire and its satisfaction. They believe that there is no controller of universe.
As a child is born out of union between man and woman, this world has born out of action and reaction of material energy. They deny any existence of soul or supreme soul.
For them life emanates from materialism and chemical reaction. They deny the fact that life comes from life. Sense gratification is, in their view, cause of this universe.
Etam drishtimavshtabhya nashtaymanoalpbhudhya I
Parbhavtiugrakarmarh kshayaye jagtoahitah II (9)
Engrossed in such an unrealistic view of the universe, these lost soul of lesser wisdom engage themselves in horrible acts intended to cause harm to this universe.
These less wise intelligent persons of demonic nature, who have lost their conscience, engage themselves in horrible task to destroy the civilization. The persons who invented atom bomb and other dangerous weapon of mass destruction have no other purpose than to cause havoc. The terrorists have this nature.
Kamamashirty dushpuram dambhmanmadanvitah I
Mohad gritvaasadgrahan parvartanteashuchivaratah II (10)
Attached to insatiable sensory lust, absorbed in conceit of pride and false prestige, they take impure vows and flourish.
This is the state of persons having demonic nature. these peiople don’t believe in soul. They deny existence some one supreme and divine having control of entire universe. They take impure vows out of ego, pride and false prestige of materialistic possessions, their ego of embodiment attaches them to insatiable lust of sensory enjoyment.
Chintamaprimeyam ch parlayantamupashritah I
Kambhogparmaam etavditi nishchitah II
Ashapasshshatyerbadhah kamkrodhprayarhah I
Eehante kambhogarthamanyaenarthsanchyan II (11-12)
They are engrossed enumerable anxieties till their end and they think that sensory desires and their satisfaction is the main purpose of life.
Bonded by hundred and thousand of desires, they indulge in sense gratification, they earn money by unjustified means to meet their desires.
They are engrossed in hundred and thousand of anxieties relating to their desire for sensory gratification till the end of their life. Never thinking about as to where from they have come, where they have to go after their death, what is the purpose of this human form?
For satisfying their sensory desires, taking it as their prime motive they indulge in earning money by unjustifiable means.
Hounded by numerous desires for sensory satisfaction, absorbed in lust and anger, they acquire ‘wealth’ and property by illegal and unjustified means entering into cut throat rivalry and enmity.
This is the queer picture of so called modern man.
from morning till evening this man is always engrossed and bitten by numerous desires relating to himself, his family, his wife and children, his relatives, making endeavors for acquisition of wealth and property by hook or crook. These persons never think of Lord and his beautiful creation.
There is no end of their desires.
They have divided mind which makes them thinking on various projects for obtaining sense objects. According to them it is the prime concern of human form. They are not able to differentiate fair or foul means of earning wealth.
Acquisition of wealth is their sole purpose of life.
They don’t realize that the wealth shall remain here and for this one is not required to indulge in malpractice. For obtaining wealth they even cheat not only outsiders, but don’t spare their dears. They even don’t hesitate to acquire wealth by indulging in criminal activities.
Idamadya mayya labhdamimam prapyase manortham I
Idamastiidamapi mey bhavishayati punardhanam II
Asso maya hatah shaturhanishaye chapranapi I
Ishwaroahamaham bhogi sidhoaham balwan sukhi II
Adhayoabhijanvanasmi koanypasti sadrishyo maya I
Yakshey dasyami modishye itiagyanvimohitah II (13-15)
He says I have attained this wealth and I shall obtain this much money according to my scheme. This wealth is mine now and it will so much increase in future.
I have killed this enemy and shall kill all other enemies. I am the Lord, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, I am strong and I am happy.
I am wealthy surrounded by wealthy relatives and friends; there is no match to me. I shall conduct sacrifices, charity and shall enjoy. In this way, these persons are deluded by ignorance.
Lord draws a true picture of persons having symptoms of demonic nature.
These people are always affected by pride of embodiment, arrogance of health, wealth & material acquisition, high office, anger, harshness and conceit. They are ignorant of reality of life. They assume themselves in the possession of a huge wealth today with a scheme of accumulating more of in days to follow as per their scheme, without realizing that the lord in form of time is cutting the tree of his embodiment.
They are always involved in satisfaction of his passion for sense objects.
Person of demonic nature are those affected by mode of passion. They always involve themselves in amassing wealth and property. They have no time to think that what he has got, is due to his good deed in past life, but he thinks that he has acquired all this wealth due to his endeavor and hard work.
They say that they have killed the enemy and more killing of enemies shall follow. I am the lord, I am enjoyer, I am successful, I am powerful, I am happy.
Deluded by ignorance they say, I am the richest man surrounded by aristocratic relatives, there is none else like me. I shall perform sacrifices; I shall give in charity and shall rejoice.
Anekchiyvibhrantah mohjalsamavritah I
Parsaktah kambhogeshu patanti narkeashucho II (16)
Confused by variety of mental worries, falling prey to numerous illusions, they deeply involved and attach themselves to sensory enjoyment, they fall into hell.
Falling prey to the vast network of unfulfilled desires, illusioned by various anxieties, deeply engrossed in sensory enjoyment, they make way their way to hell.
Divine nature leads one to realize oneself and demonic nature is sure shot way to hell.
Atamsambhavitah satabdhah dhanmanmadanvatah I
Yajante namyageyeste dambhenavidhipurvakam II (17)
Completely complacent, imputed, deluded by pride, they involve in accumulation of wealth, without following scriptural regulations, they indulge in sacrifice only in name.
They are not tolerant to criticism, thus complacent, they think that they have caused the accumulation of this wealth, thus deluded by false pride of wealth and property; they conduct sacrifices out of arrogance for sake of name without following scriptural injunctions.
Ahankaram balam darpam kamam krodham ch sanshritah I
Mamatampardeheshu pardvishantoabhisuyakah II (18)
The demonic persons become envious of the Supreme personality of Godhead equally seated in their hearts and hearts of all others due to their ego, power, arrogance, lust, and anger.
Demonic person does not like that some one should be addressed more powerful and strong than him. There are examples of Hiranakashapu, Ravana, Hitler, Mussolini, Sadam Hussein and Bin Laden all these have or had no inclination to god. They out of their ego, pride, arrogance, lust and anger become envious to Lord. Out of this envy they torture others.
Tanaham duvishtah kuraran sansaresh naraadhman I
Kshipamiajasramashubhanasurieshav yonishu II (19)
I send those envious and wicked persons lowest among men, I to the ocean of material existence, in demonic species form.
Here the Lord gives another glimpse of his supremacy. Those of demonic nature do not want to be governed by others. They don’t consider them to be subject to Godly dictate but the next birth is decided by the super soul Lord Krishna. The self soul has no freedom in this respect. In Ninth chapter verse 10 Lord has stated:
Mayyadheksherh parkriti suayate schracharam I
Hetunaanen kontey jagatviparivartate II
Arjun! Nature works under my dictation bringing forth the whole creation consisting of animate and inanimate beings: it is due to this that world continues to be.
Self soul is not at all free to choose his next body that will determine by virtue of his deeds and quantum of attachment with three evolutes of nature.
Lord Krishna states that those who are envious of me I repeatedly send them to demonic womb to take birth in that form in this ocean of material nature. If one desires to emancipate one self one should immediately go for dedication to Lord Krishna by a complete surrender and unflinching devotion for escaping the repeated transmigration.
Asurim yonimapanah mudhah janmanijanmani I
Mamaprapyev kontey tato yantiadhamam gatim II(20)
On attaining demonic wombs again and again, these foolish self souls never reach me, rather the go to condemnable destination.
The purpose of human form is to obtain our real home from where we strayed in the lap of material nature. Real home is Godhead Lord Krishna whose company is readily available, if one leaves the company of material nature. This is to be done by relinquishing our attachment with what we have been accumulating for time immemorial while under going the cycle of birth and death.
If one still chooses demonic qualities, the Lord has more of demonic wombs to put the self souls in to obtain new demonic bodies. There is no chance of going home. Choice is with self soul.
Lord is going to elaborate as to how to get rid of these demonic qualities.
Trividham narkeasyedam dvuaram nashamatmnah I
kamah krodhahastatha lobhastasmadetat trayam tayejet II
etairvimukatah kontey tamoduvareristribhirnarah I
achartiatamanah shreyastato yati pram gatim II (21-22)
Lust, Anger and Greed, these are three gates of Hell which cause fall of spirit. So all the three are to be given up.
Arjun! One freed from these three gates of hell, one acts for self realization and attains the Supreme Self.
What corrupts an eternal self soul?
Self soul, even being the reflection of Lord Krishna himself is transmigrating from one body to other with no end.
Lust or desire is the root cause. Lust leads to sense gratification, which further leads to acquisition of sense object. The desire multiplies, when one fails to acquire object, it leads to anger which is the cause of delusion, when sense objects are easily acquired, the embodied self soul desires to acquire more of it. This is greed. These three jointly cause the attachment and identification with material nature. By and by self soul is so conditioned with material nature that it does not even try to explore reality of life. Life is eternal and same. But for these three open gates leading to attachment with material nature are rightly termed as gates to hell. Lust, desire, anger and greed dominate material nature. These three are born of passion mode of nature. passion, desire, lust are so interweaved that one cannot differentiate, lust, anger and greed lead the self soul to hell of attachment with material nature, resulting self soul for his onwards travel from one womb to another.
Lord has advised self soul to detach from theses three to emancipate itself.
Free from three gates of hell lust, anger and greed, self soul tries for self realization and attains ultimate supreme self.
Yeh shastrvidhimutsrjya vartate kamkartah I
Na sa sidhimavapnoti na sukham na param gatim II (23)
He who does not follow the regulation of scriptures to discipline his life and acts under the influence of his whims, he neither attains self realization, nor happiness nor attains his ultimate self.
The Vedic scriptures have laid down regulation to lead a disciplined life and to achieve the ultimate goal of life.
But without following scriptural injunctions, if one leads life as per his whims, he never obtains self realization. He is also deprived of happiness. Ultimate attainment of eternity always evades him. Scripture lay down how to lead pious life. By regulating of life in an embodiment according to these rules, one does not indulge in lust, anger and accumulation of wealth.
Every thing is regulated.
Sense gratification within limit according to regulations leads to peace and prosperity in life. Sacrifice, penance and charity are regulated by these injunctions. The world to day is facing turmoil because of unregulated course of life. Lust, anger and greed is leading one nation to attack other and fight between human to human is increasing all because of lust.
Tasmachchhastram parmarham te karyakaryvayavasittou I
Gyatva shastravidhanoktam karam kartumiharahsi II (24)
The Scriptures are proof of what is duty and what is not duty and knowing this from scriptures, you are entitled to act.
Scriptures are proof for what to and what not to do. So knowing what scriptures say about a particular activity, one is expected to act.
Scriptures have laid down regulations of material activities.
Following the dictates of Vedas, the material life regulated, one can think of ultimate self thereby transcending three evolutes of material nature.
Passion mode of nature is the cause of lust, anger, greed, acquisition and they tend to corrupt intellect and mind.
These two are the divine elements to which the self soul has identified. These are blessed to attain self realization and go home. But self souls are so engrossed in materialism that they have no idea of self.
Following scriptural regulations the intellect is cleansed and mind is controlled, with these being trained not to usurp the limits of sense gratification. To regulate life the scriptures are required to be followed.
(Thus ends the sixteenth chapter containing yoga of demonic and divine properties, in Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta)
Friday, May 14, 2010
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